إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

Intrview is a one-way video interview app that allows companies to easily interview applicants. Intrview records a video of the applicant candidly responding to the timed interview questions created with the Interview Type, then sends the interview video to the interviewer. You can create Interview Types for each job role that you’re hiring for. Search for applicants using their resume contact email or name, select an Interview Type, and send the Interview Request. The applicant only gets one attempt to complete an interview.

Create a Company profile to send interviews and view Spotlights.
Create an Individual profile to complete interviews and send Spotlights.

*Company Profile*
• Save time by minimizing phone interview screenings
• Send a specific Interview Type to any number of candidates
• Follow up with a second level interview or contact candidate from their profile
• Create an Interview Type for every job position
• Create any number of Interview Types
• Easily evaluate more candidates
• Widen your search for the perfect candidate
• **Interview questions aren’t visible until the interview starts
• View Spotlight videos from people that want to work for your company

*Individual Profile*
• Reference ‘[I] Intrview App’ in your resume after your email to let companies know they can easily interview you
• Add your contact info, professional summary, skills, experience, and education from your resume for quick reference
• Add your resume
• **You won’t be able to see interview questions before the interview starts, make sure you’re ready
• View previous interview videos (without questions)
• Send Spotlight videos to companies describing why youll be the perfect hire